At the Sunbird Golf Club we adhere to a list of rules and regulations for your safety and the safety of other players. These Policies are in place in order to provide each of our players with a relaxed and enjoyable environment. U.S.G.A. rules govern all play except as modified. In addition players must abide by the following local rules.
- All players must register and pay at the Golf Shop prior to play.
- Each player must have an individual set of clubs and bag, with only 2 players per cart.
- Please let faster players play through. Groups of two have priority–singles do not have priority.
- Pace of play is 3 hours and 35 minutes.
- Please fill divots with sand, repair ball marks and rake sand traps.
- Carts are not allowed in desert areas.
- Golfers are responsible for any damage to the course, practice area or surrounding Golf Course property.
- Sunbird Golf Club, Inc. is not responsible for injuries sustained on golf course property.
- Non-Golfers are not allowed on the Golf Course, unless they have permission from Management.
- Only electric carts are allowed.
- The golf course is for used for golfing only. No pets allowed on the golf course. For your safety, no jogging, walking, biking or skating is allowed. No fishing in golf lakes except in designated areas.
Golf Cart Rules
- You must be at least 16 years of age and possess a driver’s license, to rent and operate a cart.
- Please keep golf carts on paths around tees and greens, at least 30 yds from the green.
- Golf Carts may not be taken off the Golf Course Property at any time.
- Obey all signs, markers and roped off areas on the Course.
- Golfers using course carts are to sign a Golf Cart Agreement holding them responsible for any damage to the cart.
- SBGC’s policy for handicap carts is to stay at least 20 feet from the edge of every green. Click here for more detail from the Superintendent regarding ADA guidelines and the SBGC policy.
Practice Facility Rules
- Please hit balls onto the range only from designated practice range teeing areas.
- Golf Carts should be kept on paths.
- Range ball baskets are not to be removed from the practice area for any reason.
Dress Code (in effect from October 1st through May 31st)
- LADIES: Slacks or golf shorts or skirts no shorter than mid-thigh, blouses or sweaters. No tank tops, athletic shorts, swimwear or tennis wear permitted. Denim shorts or pants in good repair are permitted.
- MEN: Slacks or golf shorts no shorter than mid-thigh, golf shirt and sleeves. No tee shirts, no tank tops, athletic shorts, swimwear, or tennis wear permitted. Denim shorts or pants in good repair are permitted.
- GOLF SHOES: Shoes or Sandals are required. Soft Spikes on Golf Shoes only.
- Dress Code suspended from June 1st to September 31st.
Local Rules
- Relief from staked or marked trees – nearest point of relief, one club length no closer to the hole.
- Relief from areas on the course marked Garden Club projects – nearest point of relief, one club length, no closer to the hole. You MUST take relief, no penalty.
- Relief from the Carvings – immoveable obstruction.
- Washouts in gravel area are considered ground under repair – nearest point of relief, one club length, no closer to the hole.
- If your ball crosses the street and comes to rest on the street or another part of the course, the ball is out of bounds.
- All desert areas including holes 2, 3, 13, and 14 are in play.
- A player may take relief from the drainage rocks, nearest point of relief, one club length, no closer to the hole.
- No relief from boundary fences.